As an elite member with Latitude & Longitude, numerous discounts are
offered to save you money on all types of travel. As a member, you can search
our website for hotels, resorts and condos. If you are interested in looking at
any other type of travel at a discounted rate, feel free to fill out a Travel
Request Form or call one of our agents. We also have hot weeks which condo
properties is offering weeklong accommodations for travel within 30 days starting
at 299$.
Great for travelers who travel often or even if you want to just travel a
couple of times a year we will make it happen and meet up to your needs and
every direction. Were here to help you save your money so you can be stress
free during your trip!
“I was more than happy becoming part of latitude and longitude, I just got
back from my first trip to California to see my mother I stayed a whole week
and I got the best price around! I did my own research to make sure I was
getting my money’s worth and I sure was! My travel agent did most of the work
for me, I just had to tell her where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do.
They helped me save a lot of money and which I’m thankful for because I go and
visit my mother a lot! I live in New York so it’s hard to go visit her as much
as I would like but now that I get amazing benefits being an elite member I get
to go a lot more than I used to! I highly recommend to any who loves to travel
or even wants to start to travel!”
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